Ticket Discounts
Next Generation Film Series
All programs in the Next Generation Film Series are free to anyone under the age of 21. Tickets can be obtained during advance ticket sales, at in-person sales, and at the box office before each screening. Please be prepared to show proper ID.
Young Adult Discount
ImageOut offers a $2 discount to individuals 24 and under for most film programs in the Festival. Full Festival Passes are discounted $20 for young adults. To receive this discount, tickets must be purchased at in-person ticket sales or at the box office before each screening. Please be prepared to show proper ID. Requests for group tickets may be ordered in advance and received no later than Friday, September 25, 2015. Please contact the ImageOut office by phone at (585) 271-2640 or by email at office@imageout.org.
Senior Discount
ImageOut offers a $2 discount to individuals over the age of 65 for most film programs in the Festival. A $20 discount is available for Full Festival Passes. To receive this discount, tickets must be purchased at in-person ticket sales or at the box office before each screening. Please be prepared to show proper ID.
Advance Sale Tickets
Tickets purchased in advance offer a discount of $1 – $5 per ticket. Please refer to the Festival schedule for available discounts by program. Refer to the Tickets page for advance ticket purchase options.
Full Festival Pass
Save 30% over advance ticket sale prices! Full Festival Passes are $220 (a $314 value). Your Full Festival Pass entitles you to early admission for seating selection. You will receive a special Full Festival Pass that will allow you entrance to all shows, the Opening Party at Skylark Lounge and the Closing Night Party at George Eastman House.