Next Generation Series
Many older LGBTQ people I know marvel, with a little hint of envy, at how easy the younger members of our community have it. The baby gays and the baby dykes no longer have to fight for everything. They now have rights, with more to come. Most things are an app away on their smart phone. Even sex. But the younger generation is not without their challenges – from cyber bullying to over exposure, even nude leaks. And all these while not even stepping out of their homes. The young ones might think they have everything. But they still need guidance.
Having the Next Generation Series is always a highlight at ImageOut. It is our hope to bring more attention and to underscore the importance of the role that young people of today play in securing the future of our LGBTQ community. So we identify films in our lineup that we think speak to their experiences as well as films that educate them on issues that may or may not be already confronting them. But the most important point of this series is to make sure that people younger than 21 years old all have easy access to these tickets.
The films in our Next Generation Series can hopefully guide, inspire, and empower not just the young but the old alike.
First Girl I Loved reminds us how exciting first love can be. It also quickly reminds us that surviving high school can be as tricky and unpredictable as navigating a minefield of emotions. It’s alright to fall in love in high school. Maybe even find your true love. It’s even possible to meet your friends for life. But your heart can also be broken in high school. And you’ll be fine. You’ll survive.
Check It shows what happens when the young and bullied gays start standing up for themselves and learning to fight back. Together. This amazing documentary underlines the importance of finding a support system that can help, protect, inspire you to be the best you can be. Find your community.
The British/French co-production Departure displays full on the joys and anxieties of having a teenage crush. For me, the greatest takeaway from the film is how important social skills still are. You’re not awkward. You’re just socially inept. People, especially the younger generation, need to learn to put away technology once in a while and look away from the screen in order to interact with people … the traditional way.
When was the last time you watched a gay film about gaming? Never? Exactly. For this reason alone, you should not miss Slash from the lineup. The film shows that LGBTQ folks come in many different varieties. Even confused ones.
Immigration issues are real issues facing many people already living here in the US, even among those in the LGBTQ community. This is a hot topic issue that we all need to be more educated on especially in this upcoming presidential race. So come listen to Moises Rivera in the touching documentary Forbidden: Undocumented and Queer in Rural America and you’ll never be the same again.
The youth shorts program Safe Space is back again this year complete with many LGBT stories that are fascinating, entertaining, inspiring, and, most of all, relatable.
Real Boy is one of the best trans documentaries I’ve seen in a while. And it’s almost a musical! A definite must-see film this year as Bennett Wallace shares his transformation.
As always, all programs in this series are free to anyone under the age of 21. Tickets can be obtained during advance ticket sales at in-person sales only and at the box office before each screening. Please be prepared to show proper ID.
~ Michael Gamilla
Chair, ImageOut Programming Committee
Saturday, October 15, 11:45 AM
Dryden Theatre